Slow Cooker Burns Infant's Face

A one-year-old received second-degree burns from a household item.

One night, Vanesa Herrera, from Oklahoma, put her one-year-old daughter in a walker instead of a high chair as usual. Azra, her baby, reached up to the counter and pulled the crockpot down. It opened and poured the hot meat broth onto her face, which gave her second-degree burns.

She went to a hospital in the area, but was flown to a Dallas medical center. Later, she had to return to another hospital for malnourishment. 

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Many children have died after being injured in home accidents, often for simple causes such as falling, choking, or receiving burns. Herrera is using the story of Azra, her daughter, to raise awareness for other parents and save infants from dying or being injured (

Click here for more information on Azra's startling injury and potential dangers to young children.

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.

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