Dyson Makes Toy Vacuum That Works

Now kids can play and clean at the same time.

Dyson has just released a new vacuum cleaner - made specifically for children. This vacuum cleaner isn't just a toy replica: it actually works.

The Casdon-Dyson Ball Toy Vacuum is available for $29.99 and boasts features from the large (adult) version. It has working suction and a removable dustbin that kids can empty (Parents.com). The vacuum cleaner is even available in four different colors.

Parents can purchase the Dyson as a Christmas present for their child to play with - while the child learns to clean the floor. This vacuum cleaner is a win-win. Click here to learn more about the Dyson's features.


Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps

Jenna Phipps is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Nashville, Tennessee. She enjoys working with other people to improve their writing, taking long road trips, experimenting with choreography, and reading many novels.

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